====== /Serendipity + Randomness ====== //found on Internet / lost in webcrawling / curious bookmarks / int the tabs// ===== 2022 ===== * [[https://pudding.cool/2022/06/aztec-gods/|A Visual Guide to the Aztec Pantheon]] ===== 2022 ===== * [[https://www.reticular.info/mirror-domains|mirror domains]] * [[https://roland50.studio/|roland50 studio]] * [[https://kottke.org/22/03/lovely-precise-watercolor-paintings-of-hotel-rooms|lovely precise watercolor paintings of hotel rooms]] * [[https://rumiando.com/tokyo-nude/|Rumi Ando : tokyo nude]] * [[https://hand-object.laurelschwulst.com/|Hand Object]] * [[https://dinakelberman.tumblr.com/|I'm Google]] : images trouvées sur le web, classées manuellement * [[https://www.innerbody.com/htm/body.html/|Explore human body]] * [[https://woven-sound.surge.sh/|Woven sound]] : a web instrument * [[https://learningsynths.ableton.com/fr/|Apprendre à utiliser les synthétiseurs]] * [[https://stuff.alienbill.com/jamesharvey/bignumbers/|Alan Moore's Big Numbers chart]] ===== 2021 ===== * [[https://travel-remotely.netlify.app|Travel remotly]] * [[https://youtu.be/R-Zyud8xh2c|The Commute: Walking 90km to work]] : Vous vous souvenez du personnage de Robert Maitland, dans //l'île de béton//, de JG Ballard ? * [[http://chris-d.net/polari|Polari]] : british gay slang, ayant inspiré le [[https://soomka.com/nadsat.html|Nadsat]], l'argot anglo-russe inventé par l'écrivain britannique Anthony Burgess pour son roman //L'Orange mécanique//, * [[https://enki2.tumblr.com/stories/mobile|Prawn Emit]], et la suite en version aléatoire : [[http://www.lord-enki.net/stories.html|Stories I Will Not Write]] * [[https://munk.org/typecast|Typecasting]] : par Theodore Munk, archiviste de machines à écrire * [[https://fallingfruit.org|Falling Fruit]] : carte collaborative de lieux où l'on peut récolter des fruits librement * [[https://www.limerence.is|Les Jours Plissés]] : blog de Sabrina Calvo * [[https://paveldogreat.github.io/WebGL-Fluid-Simulation/|WebGL Fluid Simulation]] : simulation colorée de fluides * [[https://neonlike.blue/notes/|pɔst.skʁip.tɔm]] : blog * [[https://post-punk.com/cinamon-hadley-the-inspiration-for-neil-gaimans-death-has-passed-away/|Cinamon Hadley]] : goth icône ayant inspiré Neil Gaiman, pour le personnage de Death * [[https://twometregraphics.co.uk|Pandemic Graphics Archive]] : Covid-19 signs * [[https://pre-convergence-morgue.tumblr.com/|Pre-Convergence-Morgue]] * [[http://screenl.es/|Screenless Office]] : the Screenless Office is a system for working with media and networks without using a pixel-based display. * [[https://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/|The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows]] * [[https://wearethemutants.com/2019/12/11/when-seconds-count-readers-digests-what-to-do-in-an-emergency-1986|“When Seconds Count”: Reader’s Digest’s ‘What to Do in an Emergency’, 1986]] * [[https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Aesthetics_Wiki|Aesthetics Wiki]] : goth/core/punk/wave-suffix * [[https://library-of-colors.glitch.me/|A library of Colors]] * [[https://www.meikenixdorf.com/album/your-earth-transforms.html?p=1|Your Earth Transforms]] : une série photographique par Meike Nixdorf * [[https://archive.org/details/gybe2003-05-10/|Godspeed You Black Emperor! Live at Le Grand Mix on 2003-05-10]] : ce concert de GY!BE m'a profondément marqué. * [[https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNGBuasYa_WETf7sF6Q9W3SN-X7oiB3jrh5QDMMNQPQl9xgS3cua--BhRr-BImP1w?key=QmE1WTR0Z0FtZVFIalpsYVZ3LXFXMS1DUmNiUnR3|Jodorowsky's Dune]] : scans du storyboard et du design de l'adaptation de Dune par Jodorowsky * [[https://reas.com/|reas.com]] : archives de Casey Reas, co-fondateur de [[https://processing.org/|Processing]] * [[https://internetkhole.com/|Internetkhole]] : doomscrolling from the 80's * [[https://same.energy/|Same energy]] : visual search engine * [[https://leanderherzog.ch|Leander Herzog]] : visual artist, webdesigner, developer. * [[https://dictionaryofapocalypse.com/|Dictionary of Apocalypse]] ---- › retour à la page d'[[start|index]]